Top Questions Answered
We know you have some great questions. We have addressed the common ones below.
What is your curriculum?
For the 2024-2025 school year we will be using the following resources
- The Bible
- Noah Webster’s 1828 Dictionary
- Devotions which may include Kids In Ministry International (KIMI)
- Logic of English Foundations
- Logic of English Essentials 1-30
- IEW’s Teaching Writing: Structure and Style
- Science (Natural History and Natural Philosophy) using the Principle Approach
- History using the Principle Approach
- Financial Peace Junior or Foundations in Personal Finance
- Latin using Visual Latin or Henle Latin
- Logic using Introductory or Intermediate Logic
- See the bottom of this page for more.
How is your Homeschool Hive different from all the others?
We make a distinction when we call ourselves a “Homeschool Hive” rather than a co-operative. This ‘Homeschool Hive’ offers a very rich and full education at an extremely attainable price. There are many great education options available, but few available at this price in this area. We have no hired teachers; we are able to keep costs very low. We desire for a classical, God-centered education to be available to those that do not fit in other niches.
We are also spiritually covered by a Christian non-profit, Revival Valley. We work together with them to ensure our teachings are biblically sound, have prayer and spiritual support, legal covering, mentorship, and we also are able to fund-raise.
We have direct mentorship from the Foundation for American Christian Education as well.
There is a major training component to what we do here, as seen in quarterly parent training and monthly Renewing The Mind fellowship.
We believe in having a village to walk through life with. As such, we will be having many gatherings together outside of our Homeschool Hive hours. We want to have fun together, adventure together, pray together and lift each other up when we are down. Many families do not have a support system. This can change here.
Why would I join this group over the many more established ones that are successful in turning out faithful and well educated students, ready to advance into higher education?
God has asked us to raise the future Shadrachs, Meshachs and Abednego’s of this generation. They need the Holy Spirit to be able to stand in the fiery culture of today with no compromise. Because of this mandate, we make sure to put Him first in the education of our children. He is also the center of all other subjects we teach. He is our priority. Thankfully prioritizing God does not have to come with sacrificing education, we believe solid education also gives glory to God, strengthens His kingdom, and develops the whole individual and family unit simultaneously.
How does this Homeschool Hive develop the heart of Jesus in considering others needs before our own and serving with joy and grace as a part of the core of Christian living?
We start each day with devotions to teach about God and the relationship He has with each child, we use each other as iron sharpens iron, and our families are like-minded and as such we hope to provide many adult examples throughout our community.
We know the voice of God is like rushing waters (Psalm 29:3, Ezekiel 43:2, Revelation 1:15), and the Bible says we can recognize His voice, and then follow Him (John 10). But like Samuel, we need to be trained to recogize Him (1 Samuel).
From knowing Him, we will bear the fruits of His Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23). With loving discipleship and training, and planting the seed of the Word in them, we will watch God water the seeds to produce the fruit.
The gifts of the Spirit are freely given according to God’s will, and vary among each person. While we cannot teach our children how to receive them, we can teach them to desire receiving them. Once received, we can train them on how to use them. (See Romans 12, 1 Corinthians 12, Ephesians 4).
We intentially create opportunities for the students to serve others though the year, and look for their spiritual growth (not in numbers) but in fruits of the spirit (faith, joy, peace, etc.) and expressions of love (kindness, goodness, faithfulness, etc).
If I have multiple children, each taking three classes, how do I fulfill the requirements of teaching and helping in a classroom for each child?
Every parent regardless of the amount of children we have will contribute in helping run a smooth God-honoring day. Please speak with our Equip 2:22 leadership team to find out where you best fit!
You do not need to be in the same classroom as your child. But you must be on campus, either leading or assisting, or enjoying the company of your peers.
How do I know the adults on campus are safe?
All adults on campus will be background checked and provide the appropriate character references requested.
Can families join mid-year?
This is an option that will be evaluated on a case by case basis if there is room in the Equip 2:22 Homeschool Hive.
Can families join just 1 day a week?
Unfortunately, not at this time.
How do we settle differences?
Please see the Conflict Resolution Guidelines page.
What if I want to join the Equip 2:22 Homeschool Hive but I have an older child who won’t be joining? Can they stay on campus? Maybe help out?
What if I want to join the Equip 2:22 Homeschool Hive but I have an older child who won’t be joining? Can they stay on campus? Maybe help out?
Space could be prohibitive in this instance. This would have to be taken under careful consideration. If the child is in the age range of the classes we offer, they need to be enrolled and participating. We would love to expand the Homeschool Hive to upper level grades. Please talk with us.