
Mission & Vision


God has asked us to raise the future Shadrachs, Meshachs and Abednego’s of this generation. They need the Holy Spirit to be able to stand in the fire with no compromise. The teachings we provide will be Biblically based, and we will teach these kids how to hear God correctly and the importance of obeying Him. 

This clear calling is to equip children of the next generation to be able to be confident, sure of their identity in Christ, and citizens of the Kingdom of Heaven. As humans, their purpose is to glorify God, to be a vessel of the Lord as God has called each of them, and to fulfill their purposes and callings with passion.

Our hope in a cooperative, is to create a community of families that really can be a village. For the children, along with parents, to gain deeper and longer lasting friendships. We are coming together to give our children an education that one family alone could not accomplish.

Together we will also offer a richer program that suits the needs of families, and “catches” the families that fit a different niche than the existing homeschool communities. We want to offer a place for families with children who are babies up to at least 6th grade, but we could go higher depending on your needs and what you bring to the table. 

Let’s build up God’s basic building block of society. In that, this homeschool cooperative is built to encourage and equip parents, to build knowledge in children which is passed through the sieve of the Word, and to build confidence. Education should teach children how to think, right? We are proponents for the classical model of education which has worked since the times of Socrates and Aristotle. The idea is to offer children the materials in the format which they are developmentally prepared to imbibe. We also want to develop deeper community with more intimacy where “iron sharpens iron”. This happens in true friendships. Thus, here is a ‘sketch’ of the ideal program.


The main goal of education is to raise children who love Jesus and meet the high calling that God places on their lives. We want to raise future adults that love what Jesus loves, will what God wills, and do things how the Holy Spirit asks us to do it. We want children who love learning, and to provide those tools for learning. But how is this done?

By picking up the heavy lifting of teaching ourselves, working economically, and combining talents, we can lower costs, obey and honor God, create community, and deliver higher standards of education to our children in one of the most expensive cities in this nation.




Years Established

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